Capital Campaign
A Child's Sanctuary....
StillJoin us as we continue to transform a Nashua landmark into a new beginning for local families
Because Every Child Deserves a Home
The need is greater than ever.
As predicted, the pandemic has carved a path of destruction leaving families with little ability to withstand its impact. Job losses, the housing shortage, health issues, and marital crises have become a reality. Many families are facing homelessness as a result. With your help, we will continue to be there, as we have been for the last 17 years, to catch them.
To brace for the full impact of the pandemic we entered into an agreement with St. John XXIII Parish to convert the former Infant Jesus School into a new home for Family Promise. Having completed construction spring of 2021 we doubled our ability to serve homeless families. We are able to house up to 24 families. Now our focus turns to supporting the new building and the programs we’ve enhanced to ensure the success of our families.
Now that the true impact of this crisis has come to fruition, we will be able to help. But only with you.

Building Home. Building Hope.
We have changed a local landmark, Infant Jesus School, into a new home for 24 families experiencing homelessness. Help us keep the momentum going.
Twenty-four Family Suites
Families come in all shapes and sizes. At Family Promise, we pride ourselves on serving every family of every size. Each bedroom connects to another, creating suites of every size to serve every family.
Twenty-four Family Facilities
Every family has its own bathroom, including a bathtub for little ones.
Children's Playroom & Family Parlors
Common areas have been renovated to allow for families to spend time together in community and children to play safely.
Family Courtyard & Play Area
We have built a new exit onto an enclosed courtyard so our families can be safe and secure at play time.
Resident Staff Assistant Suites
Resident Staff Associates are professionals who work outside of Family Promise. They live on site to provide coverage during overnights so our families are safe at all times.
Kitchen & Dining Facilities
Kitchen and dining areas have been renovated to provide equipment and space to feed up to 70 people every evening.
Administration & Conference Space
New administration and conference space, along with new volunteer suites, allow for one-on-one family meetings, as well as facilities for parenting and financial literacy programs.
Safety First
Upgrades to the security and fire suppression systems ensure families’ safety. Electrical, heating and ventilation systems have also been renovated to support residential use.
Ready to help transform the lives of local families?
Make your contribution today!
You can spread out your donation over a period of time to
support the renovations.
Naming Rights
Your dedication to ending homelessness can be permanently recognized
in our new home.
Naming Rights
BUILDING | $1,000,000 |
RESIDENT WING (2) | $500,000 |
ELEVATOR | $300,000 |
KITCHEN | $250,000 |
ADMIN AREA | $100,000 |
DINING ROOM | $ 50,000 |
LAUNDRY ROOM | $ 50,000 |
BOARD ROOM | $ 25,000 |
BEDROOM (48) | $ 15,000 |
VOLUNTEER SUITE (2) | $ 10,000 |
For more information about naming rights, please contact: director@familypromisesnh.org.